Spirulina the Amazing Algae

Most of us are aware that to be in optimal health, we need to make good lifestyle choices. One of these include eating a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables to get the most vitamins and minerals.

But for the most of us, that is always easier said than done since most of us are too busy to stay on top of our eating habits as we should be.

But fortunately, scientists have developed ways to create supplements that can help us reach our recommended doses of essential nutrients. And they have source the Earth for the most nutritious sources of these vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina is one of the amazing SuperFood powerhouses. You may have heard of it but have been skeptical of how healthy it could be considering that it is practically a step up from pond scum.

Spirulina also goes by the scientific name Arthrospira Platensis, is a blue green algae, single-celled microbe found in fresh and saltwater bodies. These microbes make energy through a process called photosynthesis, which uses energy from the sun to create food from water and carbon dioxide.

When first introduced on the open market as a food supplement Spirulina was touted as the greatest food supplement on the market. Now several years later and after several new and wonderful supplements have arrived on the scene Spirulina is still high on the list, if not the highest of miracle foods.

Spirulina is a one-celled form of algae that multiplies in warm, alkaline fresh water bodies. The name Spirulina is derived from the Latin word for helix or spiral, referring to the physical configuration of the organism when it forms swirling, microscopic strands.
Germs and scum, are associated with microorganisms of disease. Spirulina grows in this type of surroundings but it is in fact one of the cleanest, most naturally sterile foods found in nature. The ability of Spirulina to grow in hot and alkaline environment ensures its hygienic status, there’s no other organisms that survive to pollute the waters & woods this algae grows.

Spirulina is the highest source in the world of beta-carotene, vitamin B12 and gamma Inolenic acid (GLA). Spirulina contains most of the known amino acids. It contains all nine essential amino acids that the body must derive from food.
Spirulina has many times more the beta carotene than carrots. It contains 250% more vitamin B12 than liver. It contains four times the protein of beef. Spirulina is 65 – 71% protein as compared to beef, which is about 18%. Proteins of Spirulina are 80 – 85% simulated as compared to 20% for beef protein.

Spirulina is an algae which contains 26 times the calcium of milk, lots of phosphorus and niacin. Spirulina can be stored for many years with any preservatives and still contain a high percentage of its nutrients.
Spirulina is a complete food with one exception, it is lacking in carbohydrates. It is beneficial for any and all ailments that exist, due to a deficient diet, hair can grow, eyes can see, ears can hear, taste buds are improved, strength is gained, all life is better as a result of ingesting Spirulina.
Spirulina remains among the most efficient blood, cell and tissue rebuilders, as well as being an extremely potent and Health energy booster. Spirulina helps to satisfy hunger naturally and balance blood sugar levels.

Spirulina provides good nutrition for the brain giving greater mental clarity and alertness.

            More additional benefits

Allergies ( It is Well documented that Spirulina helps with inflammation driven reactions, like seasonal allergies, by blocking histamines. And one placebo control study found that Spirulina successfully decreases symptoms of allergic rhinitis, including nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion, and itching.)

Anemia( In a study in 40 older people with a history of anemia, Spirulina supplements increased, hemoglobin content of red blood cells and improved immune function.)

Blood Sugar control ( In some cases, it has outperformed popular diabetes drugs, including metformin.People with type 2 diabetes significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels.)

Eye complaints ( Light induced visual function impairments was suppressed by constant Spirulina intake. Thinning of the photoreceptor layer and outer segments, photoreceptor cell death, decreased rhodopsin protein, and induction of glial fribrillary acidic protein we’re ameliorate on the Spirulina intake group.)

Spirulina is a complete food, and that it contains all the life-sustaining nutrients it needs.It needs one added ingredient to make it a complete beneficial food, carbohydrates.