Rosehip is the berry-like fruit form from the rose bush. It is sometimes prepared as a tea, jelly, and other various methods.
The powder form of Rosehip can be mixed into liquids, and it is also available as a concentrated extract. This berry-like fruit has been consumed by many cultures for a great number of health benefits, there is now a growing number scientific research that now backs up much of it’s nutritional value.
The Rosehip herbal tea is made from the pseudo-fruits of the rose plant.
This is a delicate floral flavor that has a slightly sweet and distinct aftertaste.
Rosehips are small, round, and typically red or orange. They are usually found just below the rose petals.
Some of its benefits include, immune health, heart health, weight reduction, and healthy aging skin.
Rosehips contain a particular type of galactolipids it has a specific inflammatory action. There are some standardised Rosehip powders that has been developed to maximize the retention of phytochemicals. These types of powders has demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity as well as clinical benefits and conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
“Rosa” originally comes from the Greek word “Roden” or red.
It seems that the roses in ancient Greece were deep crimson.
As for those who have survived and can remember World War II, it should be no surprise to learn that there was a shortage of citrus fruit in England, due to the German submarine blockage of the British Isles. To offset the loss of vitamin C, the British Government organize the country to harvest all the Rosehips as to prevent scurvy. This was the start of the use of Rosehips as a therapeutic entity.
While the use of citrus has been the base of our knowledge on the subject of vitamin C, investigators have revealed that there are many other sources of that vitamin. It seems that one of the richest sources available today of vitamin C is Rosehips.
It reportedly has 60 times more vitamin C than citrus fruit. As a matter of explanation, Rosehip is the fruit of the Rose which develops after the petals have fallen off the blossom, as with any other fruit. Capsicum ranks well with Rosehips in vitamin C content. Most of us are familiar with Linus Pauling and his vitamin C beliefs and his campaign to popularize it. He investigated it’s beneficial use and the treatment of diseases and its essential use to maintain optimum health.
Large quantities of vitamin C can be most useful for a great many of the common diseases that we have today to include the common cold, flu, pneumonia and many other common complaints. Another good use of vitamin C can be as a cleansing, so as to avoid a disease problem before it happenes by using a prophylactic dosage on a daily basis.
Vitamin C is related with bioflavonoids and that it is most vital for them to be used together. Natural vitamin C and flavonoids are combined in nature. Rosehips is rich in the bio flavonoid and vitamin C. The bioflavonoids are vital to build and strengthen body tissues and are especially important in the building and maintaining of a good blood vascular system to include, preventing and healing of fragile capillaries.
Vitamin C is vitally necessary for every cell in our bodies, without which we could not maintain life for even one hour. Vitamin C is especially useful in herbal combinations designed for a variety of uses, such as general debility, exhaustion, gallbladder dysfunction, for kidney health, for tissue tone and balance, as a strengthening part of a diuretic formula and more.
Health Benefits
Antioxidant Rich( Consuming foods and beverages rich in antioxidants may protect against chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.)
Heart Disease( With it’s high content of antioxidants, Rosehip tea may benefit heart health. There is at least 13 studies that found supplementing with at least 500mg of vitamin C per day decrease LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides, these 2 are known risk factors for heart disease.)
Type 2 diabetes ( Some research suggest that Rosehips may protect against type 2 diabetes. In a study with mice on a high-fat diet, supplementing with Rosehip powder over 10-20 weeks significantly decreased blood sugar levels, fasting insulin levels, and fat cell growth in the liver.)
Inflammation and pain( Rosehip tea is a high compound with anti-inflammatory effects, including polyphenols, and galactolipids. Galactolipidsare the main type of fat in cell membranes. They have been recently studied for the strong and tough anti-inflammatory properties and potential to reduce joint pain.)
Skin Aging( Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and responsible for providing elasticity to your skin. Vitamin C has been shown to promote collagen synthesis and protect skin cells against sun damage, both of which can help keep your skin looking tighter and more youthful. Rosehip tea has a high vitamin C content, drinking this could be very beneficial to your skin health.)